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2004-12-01 - 12:11 p.m.

There is something about the phrase, *be careful what you wish for, you may get it* that drives me batty, because invariably, if I am being reasonable, I do get what I wish for. However, despite all the other things that happen that make getting *it* a little more chaotic and stressful in my life, I do manage to be happy that a wish of mine has come true.

Over the years I am fortunate that I don�t have many, if any regrets in my life. There certainly are things that I would change given a chance to, but I am fortunate that I am fairly content with the choices I have made. In the last year or so, I have started living more of a *carpe diem* kind of life, taking advantage of things when they come up and doing silly things because I may not get the opportunity again�and I kind of like where it has led me. Most recently, I chose to visit my brother and his family over Thanksgiving in a very quick trip, and I am glad I did despite having to make up time at the office. There is invariably a price to pay when I do this, but I am glad that I can say when I�m 80, I won�t regret not seeing my wild and crazy nephews who want their Auntie Cathie to spin them �round like �copter�or do the airplane thing�.

Joy sometimes comes in little doses. I hope everyone has enough joy over the holiday season to make up for any stresses caused by holiday moments. Peace to all!

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